The Process

If you’re new to Colorado, you may not have ever had to file an insurance claim for property damage before, but chances are if you’ve lived here for more than a few years, you’ve been through the claim process for hail damage to your roof or even your whole house.
The insurance claim process can be confusing and intimidating (READ MORE…)

Colorado SB38 was signed into law on June 6, 2012 and it governs several issues related to re-roof projects that are funded by an insurance claim. One of the issues is the payment of the deductible.
SB38 specifically states that the deductible payment cannot (READ MORE…)

One of the biggest scams in the Colorado Springs area is homeowners losing deposit payments to dishonest contractors. Colorado law, SB38, governs how contractors may collect a deposit payment from a client, but few homeowners are aware of. (SEE MORE...)